Checkpoint Brest, motorway

Information about the queues at the checkpoint

exit from RB

1The electronic transport queue system is functioning.
The number of vehicles in the waiting area of the electronic queue system in front of the checkpoint is indicated on the basis of information is provided by the operator of the waiting area.
For more information, contact the waiting area operators:
Operator of the waiting area of the «Border Service»: +375 (162) 59-39-47

2Border checks by information systems.

Online camera of queue (entry to the Republic of Belarus)

Queue diagram

* Current status of the queue of vehicles (which depart from the Republic of Belarus) in front of the checkpoint for the present day

Passport of the object

The capacity of the checkpoint in one direction per day:

  • Passanger cars - 2350
  • Lorries - not used

Adjacent checkpoint:


Working hours:



International (for citizens of any state or stateless persons)

Nature of international traffic:

Passenger (for passenger cars and buses)

Type of traffic:



Brest, 1 Varshavkoe Highway

Types of control

Border control

telephone number of the officer on duty of Brest Border Group:
+375-17-3652612 24/7 hotline for information about State Border crossing:
24/7 helpline of the personal security service:

Customs control

Regional Customs Clearance Station Varshavski Most:  

Veterinary control

Belarusian Department for State Veterinary Inspection at the State Border and Means of Transportation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus:

Phytosanitary control

Quarantine phytosanitary control Brest Regional State Inspectorate for Seed Breeding, Quarantine and Protection of Plants:

Sanitary quarantine control

+375-162-205375 Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus:

Transport control

+375-162-203162 Regional Customs Clearance Station Varshavski Most: