Primary tasks of the State Border Committee:
- conducting of state border policy and enhancing border security;
- organization of the state border control of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – the State border);
- management of the border service bodies;
- organization of interaction and coordination of state bodies activities and other organizations in state border policy and border security;
- contribution towards defense missions of the Republic of Belarus;
- arranging the passing through the State border of individuals, and within the competence, of vehicles;
- preventing and suppression of crime, which poses a threat to border security;
- comprehensive support for operational performance and other activities of the border service;
- implementation of state policy in the sphere of ideology and staff work in border service bodies;
- accomplishing of other tasks stipulated by legislative acts.
Functions of the State Border Committee
State Border Committee is assigned to:
- prepare proposals for the development of the state border policy and ensuring border security, including the guarding of the state border and the functioning of the state border checkpoints, operational performance and other activities of the border guard bodies;
- generalize the practice of laws enforcement and other legislative acts in the sphere of state border policy and border security, and develop proposals for their improvement;
- carry out within its competence the legal regulation of the Border Guard activities, organize legal work in the border guard bodies;
- accept within its competence, normative acts, supervise their execution;
- organize under the law comprehensive works for the state border protection and ensure their implementation;
- participate in drafting of international treaties related to the state border regime and cooperation on border issues, sign the international treaties of the interdepartmental pattern in the prescribed manner;
- guide activities of border authorized representatives of the Republic of Belarus, organize interaction and cooperation with the border guard bodies of other states and international organizations on border issues;
- identify the causes and motivation, facilitating the commission of offenses that threaten border security, take measures for their elimination;
- take within its competence a set of measures to combat illegal migration, organized crime, terrorism, contraband and administrative customs offenses;
- organize and carry out investigative activities, as well as the supervising of investigative activity of the border guard bodies;
- extract, collect and analyze information about national security threats on the state border and in the border area, inform in the prescribed manner the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, as well as interested republican bodies of state administration;
- support the activity of inquiry agencies and officials of the border service, conducting the administrative process;
- prevent, detect and suppress corruption offenses in the activities of officials of the Border Guard Service;
- make decision in accordance with the law:
- passing through the state border of individuals and vehicles under simplified procedure;
- passing through the state border of individuals and vehicles outside the state border checkpoints;
- departure and landing of aircraft at airports (aerodromes), which are not equipped with the border checkpoints;
- organize recruiting, training, retraining and advanced training of the border service personnel, place the border service officers, military and civilian personnel of the State Border Committee;
- take measures for the military service structuring, education and training of personnel, the maintenance of military discipline and law enforcement in the border service bodies;
- organize and carry out activities to maintain combat readiness of the border service bodies, provide conditions for their daily activities;
- organize and supervise the activities of the border service bodies;
- participate in the establishment of the state border in accordance with international agreements and other acts of legislation;
- organize activities aimed at the maintenance and further development of the infrastructure of the State Border;
- take measures to optimize the dislocation system of the border service bodies, carry out their accommodation, organize major construction and operation of infrastructure facilities of the border service bodies;
- organize scientific research on behalf of the border service bodies, and ensure the implementation of the positive results of the work;
- participate in the development and implementation of long-term state programs in favor of defense, state armament program, make proposals on formation of the state defense order;
- supply border service bodies with weapons and equipment, all kinds of material resources and allowances;
- implement in accordance with the legislation the disposal of property assigned to the State Border Committee, render paid services;
- develop procedures and regulations for border service logistics, present them for consideration to the President of the Republic of Belarus;
- create safe conditions for military service and work in the border service bodies;
- provide the legal and social protection of servicemen, civilian personnel of the border service bodies and their families in conformity with the legislation;
- organize the ideological activity in the border service bodies, implement for this purpose cooperation with state bodies and other organizations;
- recruit the personnel for the protection of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Belarus abroad;
- facilitate the implementation of legislation which regulating public relations in the field of environment and natural resources in the borderland;
- develop and implement preventive, curative and other treatments aimed at health care of servicemen, civilian personnel of the border service bodies, organize the state sanitary inspection;
- perform other functions provided by legislation.