The issuance of passes for priority entry may be refused in the following cases:
- If a person is in the data bank of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, whose right for department from the Republic of Belarus is temporary restricted;
- If foreign citizen or stateless persons are in the List of those whose right to depart from the Republic of Belarus is temporary restricted and(or) in the List of those whose entry to the Republic of Belarus is forbidden or undesirable;
- If a person has earlier violated the state border legislation;
- In any other cases by reasonable decisions of state border officials in order to provide border security.
State border authorized officials are entitled to seize the pass for priority entryin the following cases:
- Upon receipt of information that a person is in the data bank of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, whose right to depart from the Republic of Belarus is temporary restricted;
- Upon the receipt of information about foreign citizens or stateless person, included in the List of those whose right to depart from the Republic of Belarus is temporary restricted, and(or) in the List of those whose entry to the Republic of Belarus is forbidden or undesirable;
- When the pass for priority entry to the checkpoint is used by another individual, who is not registered in it;
- Upon revealing the falsification of the pass for priority entry to the checkpoint;
- After expiry of the validity period of the pass for priority entry to the checkpoint;
- Upon violation of the state border legislation by the individual;
- In any other cases by reasonable decisions of state border officials in order to ensure border safety.
The right for priority entry without the pass is granted to:
Priority entry to the checkpoints without electronic queue system and to the simplified checkpoints is granted to:
- state, governmental, parliamentary delegations of the Republic of Belarus;
- individuals travelling on diplomatic passports;
- individuals traveling on service passports of citizens of the Republic of Belarus;
- heads and members of diplomatic missions and international organizations, consular offices, as well as their family members, accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regardless of the passport type of their respective owners - when travelling with diplomatic (consular) registration marks of the Republic of Belarus;
- individuals travelling on notices of serious illness or death of relatives, certified by physician or department of internal affairs, or notices coming through diplomatic channels;
- citizens of the Republic of Belarus, sent for treatment or consultation outside of the Republic of Belarus by the Ministry of Health - in the presence of the committee's decision about recreation outside the country;
- individuals travelling on certificates for the disabled World War II, war veteran, disabled group I, issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Belarus, as well as individuals, following with children under 3 years old or disabled children under 18 years old;
- groups of children travelling abroad for recovery and treatment;
- sports delegations of the Republic of Belarus, athletes, teams of athletes which take part in international sports events (sports competitions and the preparations for them, including training camps, conferences, congresses, meetings, seminars, delivery of sports equipment, registration of documents) in accordance with national and local time schedule of sports events, reconciled with the Ministry of sports and tourism, as well as the time schedule of the sporting activities of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus, Paralympic Committee, the Belarusian Sports Federation of the Deaf public association and confirmation documents (copy of the order fot sending a sports delegation of the Republic of Belarus, a copy of the delegation members, a copy of the invitation to participate in a sports event and (or) regulations of a sporting event, translated into Russian or Belarusian); buses that carry passengers in regular traffic;
- individuals having the pass for priority entry to the road checkpoints, issued by the State Border Committee, as well as those following on the decision of the Chairman of the State Border Committee, or his deputy;
- cargo vehicles carrying dangerous, perishable goods or animals - with documents confirming the transportation of these goods or animals;
- vehicles with humanitarian aid and accompanying individuals, following in the manner prescribed by law;
- vehicles for transportation of coffins with bodies (bones) of the dead;
- officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs officials, members of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Beltamozhservice" accompanying the vehicles and the goods - in the presence of supporting documents;
- heads and employees of diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations, consular offices, as well as their family members accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regardless of the type of passport of their owners, when traveling by vehicles with diplomatic (consular) registration marks (CD and CC series).
In checkpoints with the system of electronic queue, the pass of individuals and transport is carried out after they leave the waiting area in accordance with the order established by the system.
The following groups are exempted from entering the waiting area:
• state, governmental, parliamentary delegations of the Republic of Belarus;
• special vehicles of medical assistance, fire protection, rescue and other services, which provide emergency medical assistance and emergency response;
• buses that carry passengers in regular traffic;
• vehicles of the Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs, the republican unitary enterprise Beltamozhservis and accompanied vehicles and goods, if there are supporting documents.
The right for priority exit from the waiting area is granted to:
• individuals traveling on diplomatic passports;
• heads and employees of diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations, consular offices, as well as their family members accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regardless of the type of transport of their owners, when traveling on vehicles with diplomatic (consular) registration of the Republic of Belarus (CD series and CC);
• individuals traveling with the documents about the death or serious illness of close relatives;
• individuals who travel by the decision of the Chairman of the State Border Committee or his first deputy;
• freight vehicles transporting dangerous, perishable goods or animals, if there are documents confirming the transportation of these goods or animals;
• vehicles transporting coffins with the dead bodies.