30-days visa free

30-days visa free

  • No. Visa-free procedure does not extend to persons arriving to Belarus by plane from Russian Federation, as well as to those who intend to fly to the airports of the Russian Federation, such flights are considered as internal ones and do not have border control! Arrival to and departure from the country are possible only through the National Airport "Minsk"!

  • Yes. Citizens can arrive to airport "Minsk" from any international airport, except for Russian. For example, they can make a flight through Riga, Warsaw, Berlin, and so on.

  • No. A foreigner can travel freely countrywide.

  • You can come to Belarus many times during the year, but the total stay period should not exceed 90 days.

  • Period of stay calculates from the date of arrival in the country. For example, you arrived in the Republic of Belarus at 23.00 on 1st of January, and it is considered to be the first day. During 30 January till 23.59 it is necessary to depart from Belarus.

  • For arriving to the Republic of Belarus under the 30 days visa-free regime via the National Airport “Minsk”, foreign nationals must produce the following documents at the international checkpoint:
    - valid passport or another substituting document for traveling abroad, issued by the relevant State authority;
    - Insurance policy, insurance card or other document confirming the presence of health insurance, that covers the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Conclusion medical insurance contract in electronic form;
    - Migration card
    Citizens of Vietnam, Haiti, Gambia, Honduras, India, China, Lebanon, Namibia, and Samoa must have a valid multiple visa of the EU member states or Schengen zone with a mark in passport on crossing the border of these states and tickets with confirmation of departure from National Airport “Minsk”.
    Foreign nationals must have financial means to cover the costs of stay in the Republic of Belarus and departure from the Republic of Belarus in the national currency of the Republic of Belarus or foreign currency convertible by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, equivalent to at least 2 base values, established in the Republic of Belarus on the day of entry into the Republic of Belarus, for each day of stay. Availability of financial means can be verified by other means according to the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
    ID card is not a document for crossing the state border of the Republic of Belarus.

  • In the event of illness, natural disasters or other unforeseen circumstances that prevent a departure of a foreign citizen from the Republic of Belarus before the expiration of the stay period, the foreign citizen or his representative must apply to the internal affairs body with an application to extend the period of temporary stay. When extending the period of temporary stay, the internal affairs body issues a visa to a foreign citizen for departing from the Republic of Belarus. Departure of foreign citizens is carried out at any checkpoint across the State Border of the Republic of Belarus.

  • In case of violation of the legislation on the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons a foreign citizen will be brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with Article 23.55 of the Code on Administrative Offenses. This violation entails a warning or a fine of up to fifty base values or deportation.